Vol. 83, No. 2/Winter 2018
North Dakota and the Cultural History of the Great War By Joseph T. Stuart
Work-Study-Play Concept Changes Fargo Schools
By Steve Grineski
- A Bag Worth a Pony: The Art of the Ojibwe Bandolier Bag by Marcia G. Anderson
Reviewed by Mark J. Halvorson
- Fort Tecumseh and Fort Pierre Chouteau: Journal and Letter Books 1830-1850 by Michael M. Casler and W. Raymond Wood, eds
Reviewed by Lotte Govaerts
- Operation Snowbound: Life behind the Blizzards of 1949 by David W. Mills
Reviewed by Michael Childers
- A Whirlwind Passed through Our Country: Lakota Voices of the Ghost Dance by Gregory Bryan
Reviewed by Billie Kingfisher Jr.
- Converting the Rosebud: Catholic Mission and the Lakotas, 1886-1916 by Harvey Markowitz
Reviewed by Anne M. Blankenship