Vol. 78, Nos. 3 & 4
John F. Kennedy and Theodore Roosevelt: Parallels and Common Ground, Including North Dakota
ByClay S. Jenkinson
Fifty Years Later: One Moment that Changed Clint Hill's Life
By Kimberly Jondahl
- In the Mood for Munsingwear: Minnesota's Claim to Underwear Fame by Susan Marks
Reviewed by Jenny Yearous
- Birch Coulie: The Epic Battle of the Dakota War by John Christgau
Reviewed by Gary Clayton Anderson
- Principle Over Party: The Farmers' Alliance and Populism in South Dakota, 1880-1900 by R. Alton Lee
Reviewed by William C. Pratt
- Greet the Dawn: The Lakota Way by S.D. Nelson
Reviewed by Linda Gutensohn
- Dakota: The Story of the Northern Plains by Norman K. Risjord
Reviewed by Bethany Andreason
- Life's Journey—Zuya: Oral Teachings from the Rosebud by Albert White Hat Sr.
Reviewed by Dakota Goodhouse
- After Custer: Loss and Transformation in Sioux Country by Paul L. Hedren
Reviewed by Robert Russell
- Corn Palaces and Butter Queens: A History of Crop Art and Dairy Sculpture by Pamela H. Simpson
Reviewed by Kimberly K. Porter