Vol. 76, Nos. 3 & 4
Survival through Adaptation: The Fargo Nursery School, 1933-1965
David B. and Karen R. Danbom
From the Collections: The Letters of Elizabeth Bacon Custer
Bonnie T. Johnson
A Man “Who Fancies Himself Abraham Lincoln”: Senator William Langer’s Civil Rights Record
Christine Knauer
- Don L. Hofsommer. The Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway: A Photographic History.
Reviewed by Robert Zeidel
- Kathleen Davison, Bonnie T. Johnson and Neil D. Howe, eds. North Dakota History: Readings about the Northern Plains State.
Reviewed by Erik Holland
- Hiram M. Drache. Prairie Homestead to Wall Street: A History of the Jones Family and Metropolitan Financial Corporation.
Reviewed by Bruce Gjovig
- Suzanne Barta Julin. A Marvelous Hundred Square Miles: Black Hills Tourism, 1880-1941.
Reviewed by Tracy Potter
- Sebastian F. Braun, Gregory Gagnon, Birgit Hans. Native Peoples of the Northern Plains: An Interdisciplinary Introduction to American Indian Studies.
Reviewed by Paul R. Picha
- Lloyd A. Svendsbye. I Paid All My Debts: A Norwegian-American Immigrant Saga of Life on the Prairie of North Dakota.
Reviewed by Lori Ann Lahlum
- Kimberly Jondahl. The Frontier Missionary: Three Tribes. A Man of God. A Journey of Faith. Reviewed by Gretchen A. Albers
- Kim Fundingsland. Bismarck, D.T.: The people and events that gave birth to the Wickedest City in the West.
Reviewed by Ken Rogers
- Terry Shoptaugh. They were Ready: The 164th Infantry in the Pacific War, 1942-1945.
Reviewed by Albert I. Berger
- William E. Lass. Navigating the Missouri: Steamboating on Nature's Highway, 1819-1935. Reviewed by Steve Dasovich
- Thomas Peacock and Marlene Wisuri. The Four Hills of Life: Ojibwe Wisdom.
Reviewed by Paulette F. Molin